Author: David Nahass


Moving More With Less

GUIDE TO EQUIPMENT LEASING, RAILWAY AGE JUNE 2024 ISSUE: The battle for the soul of Norfolk Southern concluded with more whimpering than expected. Together, Ancora’s three-board-seat-limited victory and its highly scripted vow


Consolidation Breeds Volatility

FINANCIAL EDGE, RAILWAY AGE, MARCH 2024 ISSUE: Most rail professionals don’t devote time to ocean freight rates or shipping industry consolidation.

David Nahass, Railway Age Financial Editor

Pre-Pandemic Rail Is a Thing of the Past

FINANCIAL EDGE, RAILWAY AGE FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE: Only those people who are capable of being a soulless rake (a rake is a person prone to excess) leading a careless and superfluous life can


Railroad Safety is Not the Problem

FINANCIAL EDGE, RAILWAY AGE JANUARY 2024 ISSUE: The marketing genius that was P.T. Barnum coined the oft repeated phrase “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” One only needs to search

David Nahass, Railway Age Financial Editor

It’s Not the Size of the Gift. It’s the Cost!

FINANCIAL EDGE, RAILWAY AGE DECEMBER 2023 ISSUE: Everyone’s Holidays are costing more in 2023. Heck, everything costs more in 2023. After three years of rising prices, it is taxing. “Financial Edge” has spilled plenty of ink regarding rising railcar costs. If some is good, perhaps more is, well, maybe not better but necessary.

Image Courtesy of Amtrak

Amtrak’s National Identity Perpetually Complicated

FINANCIAL EDGE, RAILWAY AGE, NOVEMBER 2023 ISSUE: This month’s “Financial Edge” almost did not make it into the November issue of Railway Age. Why? Overindulgence was the reason for the delay. Halloween? Harvest Celebration? The reason was more urbane, and the scene was at Newark Penn Station.

Supply Inelasticity

RAILROAD FINANCIAL DESK BOOK, RAILWAY AGE OCTOBER 2023 ISSUE: Welcome to Railway Age’s 2024 Railroad Financial Desk Book. Fall is upon North American rail. It is a time for the grain harvest