
Rising to the Occasion: UP Drones Support Safe Operations

Written by Union Pacific, Corporate Communications
More than 250 UP employees are certified to fly drones. (Caption and Photographs Courtesy of UP)

More than 250 UP employees are certified to fly drones. (Caption and Photographs Courtesy of UP)

Union Pacific (UP) is leveraging technology to support safe operations from every viewpoint—on its tracks, inside its locomotives and hundreds of feet off the ground with its drones.

To mitigate potential risk, drones help survey UP’s 32,000-mile network and inspect more than 16,900 bridges.

“Drones are used for a variety of purposes, from conducting yard and industry audits to performing storm assessments and analyzing derailments,” said Kevin Watts, UP Manager-Safety Field Operations, who leads the railroad’s drone program. “Our Operating team finds drones incredibly useful.”

New portable monitors show employees what drones see during infrastructure inspections. (Caption and Photograph Courtesy of UP)

UP drone operators meet high safety standards. Employees must complete an intensive training course, obtain a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) commercial drone license, undergo UP’s rules training and attend a hands-on class on railroad property.

More than 250 employees are certified to fly drones; another 42 pilots are in training, a number expected to increase in the next year.

UP annually conducts more than 38,000 bridge inspections to proactively detect potential defects such as corrosion or cracks in trusses. Drones supplement manual infrastructure inspections and expand the area of visualization, contributing to overall employee safety by reducing the need to access challenging locations.

George Otis Jr., UP Bridge Inspector, Engineering, pilots a drone to aid in inspecting California’s Benicia-Martinez Bridge. (Caption and Photograph Courtesy of UP)

“Drones are valuable when observing hard-to-reach infrastructure, such as bridges, deep culverts, tunnels and tall steel towers,” said Chris Gust, UP Director-Bridge Inspection, Engineering.

The technology also has security applications: more than 60 UP special agents use drones to monitor suspicious or criminal activity around the network. The drones’ high-resolution cameras can identify security concerns or potential safety risks, such as trespassers on railroad property or open container doors.

“These devices enable agents to monitor specific areas from a new perspective and with real-time information,” Watts said.

Since UP implemented its drone program in 2015, the technology has continued to significantly improve.

Today, the railroad is exploring opportunities to develop autonomous drones that can identify broken rails and other potential risks in rail yards. Soon, drone footage also may be used to produce 3D images, supporting more comprehensive inspections.

“As we incorporate new features and capabilities, we continue to revolutionize how we deploy drones on our railroad,” Watts said. “They’re an invaluable tool for our teams.” 

This article first appeared on the Inside Track section of the UP website.

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