Canadian Supply Chain Task Force Chairs Selected

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief
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“An efficient and reliable transportation network is key to Canada's economic growth. Further to the dialogue that has already started, an important next step to further advance our work is the appointment of Mr. Gattuso and Ms. Yako as co-chairs of the Task Force, as they will continue the discussion with industry experts to find solutions to ensure our supply chain remains efficient. I am very pleased that they agreed to lead this expert advisory panel. Their experience in commerce and transportation will be great assets.” – Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport

During Canada’s National Supply Chain Summit in January, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra announced that a National Supply Chain Task Force would be created “to consult broadly with industry, associations and experts to examine the key pressures and make recommendations regarding short and long-term actions to strengthen the efficiency, fluidity and resiliency of transportation infrastructure and reliability of Canada’s supply chain.” On March 28, co-chairs were named: Jean Gattuso and Louise Yako.

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