Transport Canada Launches Database for Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Written by Carolina Worrell, Senior Editor
“This technological innovation will help make supply chains faster and more resilient,” said Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez. (Transport Canada)

“This technological innovation will help make supply chains faster and more resilient,” said Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez. (Transport Canada)

Transport Canada on Nov. 3 announced the launch of new registration requirements and a new Client Identification Database to reduce risks associated with dangerous goods.

These new requirements, Transport Canada says, will give the department “more current, accurate and complete information about persons or organizations who are involved in the transportation of dangerous goods,” and demonstrate the Government of Canada’s “commitment to promoting public safety, including when dangerous goods are handles or transported in Canada.”

Under these new regulations, which came into force on Nov. 3, applicable persons or organizations must provide, in the new database, information regarding dangerous goods they are importing, offering for transport, handling, or transporting. They must also provide information about sites where dangerous goods are being imported, offered for transport, handled, or transported. This information must be updated annually.

According to Transport Canada, after the Client Identification Database has been in place for one year, penalties may be imposed for non-compliance, up to and including criminal prosecution for extreme or repeated infractions.

“In order to protect Canadians, it is necessary to know where dangerous goods are located and how they are being transported,” said Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez. “With the new Client Identification Database, Transport Canada will be able to do its work more efficiently to protect Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast.”

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