MM&A, employees face negligence charges

The bankrupt Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway (MM&A) and three of its former employees are to appear in court in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, to face 47 charges of criminal negligence causing death in the runaway derailment and explosion last July 6 of a training carrying oil from North Dakota.

DOT: Report Bakken CBR moves; upgrade gear

State and local emergency responders won the right to know about individual movements of Bakken crude oil in an emergency order issued late Wednesday, May 7, 2014 by U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx.

DOT issues CBR Emergency Order

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on Feb. 25, 2014 issued an Emergency Order requiring crude oil shippers to test product from the Bakken region to ensure the proper classification of crude oil before it is transported by rail, while also prohibiting the transportation of crude oil in the lowest-strength Packing Group. DOT’s action marks the fourth Emergency Order or Safety Advisory on crude oil in the past seven months.

Feds fine three for CBR mislabeling

Three companies have been fined by federal officials for mislabeling crude-by-rail (CBR) oil produced in the Bakken Shield formation in North Dakota, which was shipped by rail.

North Dakota U.S. Senators seek CBR safety

North Dakota’s two U.S. Senators met in Washington, D.C. Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014, with federal officials to advance improved freight rail safety measures in tank car construction and operation.

Will safety investments to protect railroads, public increase CBR costs?

A sell-off of shares in companies engaged in extracting oil from the mid-continent Bakken formation was the first indication from investors that they expect government scrutiny of the potentially explosive crude will disrupt crude-by-rail (CBR) and escalate its costs.

U.S. regulators reviewing crude-by-rail

The Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Federal Railroad Administration are conducting a safety review of crude-by-rail shipments originating in the Bakken Shale formation, specifically within North Dakota and South Dakota.

Crude by rail: The outlook is good

“Narrowing oil price differentials are impacting carloadings in the near term, but should not deter shippers from making long-term investments in crude-by-rail, which has many inherent logistical benefits that can override price in determining a transportation mode in certain scenarios,” says Cowen and Co. Managing Director and Railway Age Contributing Editor Jason H. Seidl. “Price differentials may slow CBR but won’t stop it.”

CP and UP forge Canada-to-California CBR corridor

For the past year, BNSF Railway has dominated in the shipment of crude by rail (CBR) from North America’s Bakken shale formation westward to refineries and ship terminals along America’s Pacific Coast. Now, Canadian Pacific and Union Pacific are teaming up to move crude oil from Canada south into California.

PBF Energy East Coast rail facility to see first unit train, further infrastructures improvements

PBF Energy Inc. announced today the completion of the second crude oil unloading facility at its subsidiary’s Delaware City refinery. The construction of the 70,000 barrel per day (bpd) rail facility was announced in mid-2012 and was completed on schedule and on budget.