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BLET Members Ratify New Implementing Agreement

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) members have voted in favor of an implementing agreement regarding CN’s proposed acquisition of Iowa Northern, the union reported in the May 31 edition of

(Photo by Cory Rusch, BLET Division 659; Courtesy of BLET)

BLET’s CN/WC Divisions Ratify Agreement

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen’s (BLET) nine CN/Wisconsin Central (CN/WC) divisions have voted unanimously in favor of a new “quality of life agreement” covering roughly 600 engineers, the union reported in the May 3 edition of its weekly email newsletter.


Crew Size: ‘It Depends’

FROM THE EDITOR, RAILWAY AGE MAY 2024 ISSUE: Multiple-choice question: How many crew members should occupy a locomotive cab? A) Three. B) Two. C) One. D) Zero. E) None of the Above.

(Photo by Cory Rusch, BLET Division 659; Courtesy of BLET)

BLET, CN/WC Reach Tentative Agreement

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) has reached a tentative agreement for 600 engineers at CN/Wisconsin Central (WC), which the union said “provides significant quality of life improvements and comes after several months of negotiations.”

BLET, B&E Ratify New Contract

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) and Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Berkshire & Eastern Railroad have ratified a new agreement governing rates of pay, benefits and work rules for 32 members.