Canadian National

Best-ever month for chem carloads

Railroads in the United States originated 1,028,141 carloads in February, down 0.3% from the same month in 2017, the Association of American Railroads said.

Luc Jobin ousted at CN

CN President and CEO Luc Jobin has unexpectedly stepped down, effective immediately. The railroad’s Board has appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer.Jean-Jacques Ruest Interim President and CEO “until a permanent replacement is in place.”

Intermodal outpaces weekly carloads

The Association of American Railroads said U.S. rail traffic for the week ending February 10 was 519,545 carloads and intermodal units, up 1.6% from the same week a year ago.

Tax changes lift Canadian National to profit

Canadian National Railway said net income increased by 156% to C$2.61 billion ($2.12 billion) in the fourth quarter from a year ago while earnings per share soared by 164% to C$3.48 ($2.82) on changes to the U.S. corporate tax rate that saw a deferred income tax recovery of C$1.76 billion, or C$2.35 per share.

Another setback for PNW crude-by-rail terminal

A Washington state port set a deadline for the developer of a controversial oil-by-rail terminal to have approvals in place or lose its lease, which would effectively kill plans to develop the largest such project in the U.S.

Crude oil leads 2018 carloads week

The Association of American Railroads said U.S. rail traffic for the week ending Jan. 6 totaled 415,862 carloads and intermodal units, down 4.6% from the year-ago week.