
FreightWaves SONAR: Class I/Truckload-Based Intermodal Partner Fortunes Diverge

The Class I railroads and the truckload-based domestic intermodal marketing companies have all finished reporting their first-quarter 2020 earnings. For the Class I railroads, the theme of their earnings reports was that operational and cost efficiency improvements are continuing, even as steep volume contraction has stopped any thought of revenue growth for the time being.

FreightWaves SONAR: Repurposing Tank Cars For Crude Oil Storage Not Promising

With fears that the world is so overflowing with crude oil that markets will literally run out of places to put it, attention has turned to another option to hold it: railcars. But it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, so those who need to be sure those railcars are available for other uses can breathe a sigh of relief.


Managing Costs During A Pandemic

North American rail managers are good at managing costs, but 2020 might be their ultimate challenge. Let’s say you are in charge at a freight railroad. What do you do in such hard times with so many fixed costs? You can ratchet down variable costs. That’s easy. The tougher part is twisting a large part of those fixed costs into segments of variable costs. How do you do that? Let’s start by defining what these railroad costs are.


Fewer Freight Cars on the Horizon?

True or false: Freight rail growth might require fewer cars in the future. As Class I railroads reported their 1Q2020 and full-year 2019 quarterly financial results, the expectation set by the individual railroads was that returning customers will help spur volume growth. Though 2020 is starting out slowly, most senior railroad executives and shipper logistics managers are talking about a possible recovery in the second half of the year. However, there is little statistical economic data published yet to support that optimistic outlook.