
“Having a library, public restrooms, a community center, and a kitchen all under one roof—and only steps away from Skagit station—will be a major benefit for the people of Mount Vernon,” USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg said May 1. “This is the first of what we hope will be many TOD loans that will make vital resources more accessible to more people, especially historically overlooked communities.” (Screen Shot of the Mount Vernon Library Commons Project from a city of Mt. Vernon, Wash., video)

USDOT Closes First Loan Supporting TOD

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) on May 1 reported that its Build America Bureau has approved the first transit-oriented development (TOD) TIFIA loan, which will support a Mt. Vernon, Wash., project located a short walk from the Amtrak-served Skagit Station.


America without Greyhound—and no replacement passenger trains

We are not usually concerned with buses at Railway Age, but what would happen if Greyhound buses suddenly disappeared from American roads, and Amtrak became the only provider of passenger transportation with a nationwide reach? That speculation is not as far-fetched as it would appear at first blush, as a similar scenario is being played out at this writing in much of Canada.