NJT: Bi-level EMUs, more dual-power locos on tap

NJ Transit has issued an RFP (request for proposals) for supply of 113 bi-level EMU (electric multiple-unit) passenger cars with a bid closing date of Feb. 15, 2018. NJ Transit also plans to invite bids early in 2018 for 17 dual-power locomotives.

NTSB dockets opened for NJT, LIRR crashes

Dockets for the fatal Sept. 29, 2016, NJ Transit commuter rail collision in Hoboken, N.J., and the Jan. 4, 2017, Long Island Rail Road collision at the Atlantic Terminal, Brooklyn, New York, were opened to the public Sept. 21 by the National Transportation Safety Board as part of its ongoing investigations of the two accidents.

NJT touts safety initiatives

On Sept. 21, the same day the National Transportation Safety Board opened the docket on New Jersey Transit’s Sept. 29, 2016 Hoboken Terminal crash to the public, NJT announced it “has implemented a variety of rail safety upgrades over the past year and is looking at additional enhancements for the future, as part of its commitment to safety.”

NYPS returning to “normal” operations

Amtrak engineering forces have completed an intense eight-week summer infrastructure renewal work at New York Penn Station, allowing for regularly scheduled Amtrak, NJ Transit and Long Island Rail Road operations to resume Tuesday, Sept. 5.

NY Penn Station renewal work on schedule

The “Summer of Hell,” while not quite living up to its reputation, will end for New York area commuters on Sept. 4 as the Amtrak Infrastructure Renewal program at New York Penn Station remains on schedule with regular operations returning on Sept. 5.

Gateway Program wants private sector ideas

The Gateway Program Development Corporation (GDC) is turning to the private sector to issue ideas on how to deliver the Hudson Tunnel Project.

FTA issues ROD for Portal Bridge EIS

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has issued a Record of Decision (ROD) that formally adopts the Federal Railroad Administration‘s (FRA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Portal Bridge Project on the Northeast Corridor.

NJT FY 2018 budget: $3.6 billion

New Jersey Transit has adopted a Fiscal Year 2018 budget of $3.6 billion “that supports continued investments in infrastructure and equipment to maintain the system in a state of good repair and enhance the overall customer experience.”

More problems at “Pain” Station New York

On July 6, four days before major track refurbishment work begins at Pennsylvania Station New York, the nation’s busiest passenger rail facility, yet another incident—the third in four months—occurred when inbound New Jersey Transit North Jersey Coast Line train no. 3276 derailed as it was entering the station’s complex interlocking plant.

Deal struck for redeveloped NY Penn-Farley complex

A financial agreement has been reached between all partners involved in the Pennsylvania Station-Farley Complex redevelopment project to transform New York City’s James A Farley Post Office into a world-class transportation hub.