Pan Am Railways

  • News

BLET Ratifies CSXT-Springfield Terminal Implementing Agreement

A majority of members from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) Divisions 72 and 191 on Jan. 15 ratified an implementing agreement regarding CSX Transportation’s acquisition of the Springfield Terminal Railway (a Pan Am Railway affiliate).

STB Approves CSX-Pan Am Combination

All five Surface Transportation Board members on April 14 signed off on CSX’s proposal to acquire Pan Am Systems, Inc., and its short line railroad subsidiaries, effective May 14.


CSX/Pan Am: Bringing New England Into the Class I Railroad Network

Currently pending before the Surface Transportation Board are an application by CSX to acquire Pan Am Railways (PAR) and a related petition regarding operation of Pan Am Southern (PAS) by the Berkshire & Eastern Railroad (B&E), a subsidiary of Genesee & Wyoming. These transactions will bring strong transportation and safety benefits to New England.

ASLRRA to STB: No Uniform Service-Metrics Reporting

The American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) was among those responding to the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) call for comments on issues regarding First-Mile/Last-Mile (FMLM) service; the deadline was Dec. 17.


Let Us Hope That Good Sense Prevails

ASLRRA PERSPECTIVE, RAILWAY AGE, OCTOBER 2021 ISSUE: In 2017, the previous Administration dubbed the week of June 5 as “Infrastructure Week” as part of an effort to promote its $1 trillion infrastructure plan. Seven times in the following three and a half years, that Administration declared that infrastructure would be the theme of the week, only to see those plans thwarted in one fashion or another each time.

CSX/Pan Am Merger: Pros and Cons

As a series of Surface Transportation Board comment periods continues for the CSX’s proposed acquisition of Pan Am Railways, letters both for and against the combination have been filed with the STB.

DOJ Picks Apart CSX-Pan Am Transaction

In Aug. 26 comments filed with the Surface Transportation Board, the United States Department of Justice took issue with many aspects of the proposed CSX-Pan Am Railways merger, citing President Biden’s July 9 Executive Order, “Promoting Competition in the American Economy.”