Pan Am Southern

BLET, B&E Ratify New Contract

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) and Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Berkshire & Eastern Railroad have ratified a new agreement governing rates of pay, benefits and work rules for 32 members.

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BLET: Ballots in the Mail to Union Members at Three Short Lines

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) recently announced that a contract ratification vote is under way for tentative agreements with Utah Railway and Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad (M&NA), as well as Berkshire & Eastern Railroad (B&E), for which the union has reached a tentative contract with.

STB Approves CSX-Pan Am Combination

All five Surface Transportation Board members on April 14 signed off on CSX’s proposal to acquire Pan Am Systems, Inc., and its short line railroad subsidiaries, effective May 14.

CSX/Pan Am Merger: Pros and Cons

As a series of Surface Transportation Board comment periods continues for the CSX’s proposed acquisition of Pan Am Railways, letters both for and against the combination have been filed with the STB.

DOJ Picks Apart CSX-Pan Am Transaction

In Aug. 26 comments filed with the Surface Transportation Board, the United States Department of Justice took issue with many aspects of the proposed CSX-Pan Am Railways merger, citing President Biden’s July 9 Executive Order, “Promoting Competition in the American Economy.”

CSX Amends, Re-files Pan Am Railways Acquisition Application with STB

On May 26, The Surface Transportation Board rejected as “incomplete” the merger application filed by CSX Transportation, Inc. to acquire control of Pan Am Systems, Inc. and its short line railroad subsidiaries. CSX on July 1 submitted an “amended and supplemented application” to the STB, stating that the refreshed application “provides all of the additional details of the proposed transaction requested by the STB.”

Pan Am Railways Sale Advancing to STB

CSX is submitting an application to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to acquire the Pan Am System, including Pan Am Railways (PAR) and its 50% stake in Pan Am Southern (PAS), the Class I railroad reported Feb. 26.

CSX Wants Pan-Am. NS Says ‘Not So Fast’

Shades of the battle between CSX and Norfolk Southern that occurred some 25 years ago over Conrail, but on a smaller scale: CSX is in negotiations to acquire Pan Am Railways, the 1,700-mile Class II previously known as the Guilford Rail System, itself the amalgamation of the Boston & Maine, Maine Central, Portland Terminal Company and Springfield Terminal Railway. NS, in a Nov. 6 filing with the Surface Transportation Board, is opposing the transaction.