Rail Passengers Association

The new Bramalea GO Station building opened in 2021. (Metrolinx photo)

Transit Briefs: APTA, Amtrak F+B Working Group, Arup, Metrolinx, NJ Transit/UITP/Rutgers CAIT

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) “strongly urges” public transit agencies to obligate remaining COVID-19 funds as soon as possible. Also, the Amtrak Food & Beverage Working Group sends recommendations to Congress after year-long analysis of Amtrak onboard service; Arup supports Metrolinx plans to electrify Canada’s largest commuter rail network; construction is now complete at Metrolinx’s Bramalea GO Station; and registration is now open for first courses at the International Association of Public Transport’s (UITP) North American Regional Training Center hosted by NJ Transit and Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT).

Report: California Delivering $4.2B to High Speed Rail

California’s new $307.9 billion budget includes the release of $4.2 billion in Proposition 1A funds to the California High-Speed Rail Authority, “prioritizing $2 billion for the construction of the Merced-to-Bakersfield segment, with a new independent Office of Inspector General providing oversight of the project,” the Los Angeles Times reported on June 30.

People News: HDR, RPA

HDR has named Shyam Kannan Mid-Atlantic Transit Lead. Also, the Rail Passengers Association’s (RPA) volunteer leaders elected former Charlottesville (Va.) Deputy Mayor and City Councillor Meredith Richards as Board Chair.

  • News

A Hard Sell and a Long Shot

In October, I reported on three events that took place within three days, all of which concerned the possibility of more Amtrak-operated state-supported trains in the Midwest. The events are now over,

Gulf Coast Service? Not So Fast, Say CSX, NS

“Unripe.” That is what CSX and Norfolk Southern (NS) have called Amtrak’s application with the Surface Transportation Board (STB) asking for an order requiring the freight railroads to permit access for twice daily round-trip passenger service between New Orleans and Mobile, starting on or about Jan. 1, 2022.


RPA: Let’s set the record straight

Recent opinion pieces and news stories, such as in Railway Age, have indicated the Rail Passengers Association “goes along to get along” with Amtrak executives and does not express any objections to what the passenger railroad has done or will do when it comes to serving the riding public. This is clearly not the case.