Rail Users’ Network


RUN Conference Tackling L-D Trains

Amtrak’s skeletal network of long-distance (L-D) passenger trains is the same size now as it was in 1971, when “America’s Railroad” was founded—14 routes. Advocates around the nation are pushing for that


RUN: Advocacy for Rail and the Environment

The passenger rail and transit scene has advocates throughout the nation. So does the environmental movement. While there is general agreement that more passenger trains and rail transit benefit the environment, there

RUN Conference Highlights National Issues

At an on-line conference on Friday, April 28, a number of regionally and nationally known presenters focused on expanding passenger rail in the Mid-Atlantic region and connectivity in that part of the

RUN to Newark on April 28

Several editors here at Railway Age, along with rail managers, planners and advocates from the Northeast Region and elsewhere in the country, will RUN to Newark, N.J on April 28 for a

  • News

A Hard Sell and a Long Shot

In October, I reported on three events that took place within three days, all of which concerned the possibility of more Amtrak-operated state-supported trains in the Midwest. The events are now over,


Chicago Cooperation=More Midwest Trains?

In an unusual twist of circumstances, there are three events ongoing at this writing that have a lot to say about Amtrak corridors and trains in the Midwest. All were scheduled to take place within a three-day span.


Massachusetts: Big Rail Plans. All Signals Green?

“GREEN SIGNALS AHEAD: THE FUTURE OF RAIL EXPANSION IN MASSACHUSETTS.” That was the theme of the fall meeting and mini-conference held in Boston on Friday, Oct. 11 and sponsored by the Rail Users Network (RUN). At the event, several rail managers and planners, as well as representatives of elected officials, provided an ambitious plan for expanding rail in the Bay State, from Pittsfield and Greenfield in the west to New Bedford and Fall River in the southeast.


Amtrak Riders’ Revolution: “No Confidence” for Richard Anderson

New Jersey calls itself “The Crossroads of the Revolution” in its promotional literature and advertisements. Not only was it centrally located during America’s War for Independence, but its troops under George Washington were tested against both the heat and the British at the Battle of Monmouth in June, 1778 and against the coldest winter of the century, 1779-80, at Morristown. Both times, and on other occasions, it met the challenges and went on to help establish our nation.