Women in Rail 2017

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Women in Rail 2017 – Jennifer Ryan, North County Transit District

Jennifer Ryan has been a strong voice for technical consistency but also a voice for better passenger access and services. As a former Facilities Engineer in High Tech, she has also been a strong advocate for ‘designing for maintainability’. Her commitment towards bringing others along is shown in her involvement in various STEM programs to support greater diversity in Engineering and Transportation.

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Women in Rail 2017 – Grace Madden, EMD Progress Rail

Working in noise and vibration for EMD Progress Rail – what can generously be termed among the most complex and difficult fields in engineering – Grace Madden has worked tirelessly with exceptional skill and precision to lead her team and department at one of the storied brands in railroading.

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Women in Rail 2017 – Jenny Carr, L&W Industries

Recognized for her integrity, core leadership skills and hands-on approach, since taking the reins at L&W as president in 2012 Carr has driven the company to annual double-digit revenue growth, maintained profitability, and increased the range of high quality signal products and services to its customers.